Wednesday 8 March 2023

One student at a time.. indulging and sharing our creativity

We used to say 'how do you eat an elephant'? The answer is of course 'One bite at a time'. I'm not sure if that saying is still 'a thing'. Similarly, we could ask 'how do you change a society'? 'One person at a time'. Or alternatively how do you change a kura? One person at a time.

On today's walk around, I came across Bailey. His teacher Mrs Davis said 'Show Mr Sutton what you have been making.' Bailey had been using off cuts of card to 'make stuff'. Specifically, this stuff.

We talked about French armoured helms .. he was interested.

I showed Bailey these photos ...

That's me indulging a little of my own creativity making stuff from 'recycled materials'. Bailey and I connected.. he smiled, actually his eyes lit up (that's BIG!!), he could see the connection, the interest, we shared. We talked about 'creative excellence', and about our school vision 'he puna auaha, a centre of creative excellence'. We talked about stuff he could 'make'. 

This experience is enabled and strengthened because we have a school wide/shared pedagogy, 'Learn Create Share', one of the great gifts of our Manaiakalani kaupapa. I have repeatedly said that it is no coincidence that our vision is one of creativity, and that the word 'create' is at the centre of our pedagogy. That connection, that coherence, is empowering and powerful.

I may just have strengthened a relationship with, made an impact on, one young man today. And regardless of what Bailey makes next, we know that developing creativity improves our wellbeing. I am hoping .....

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